Building a Note-Taking App in Compose

Composable Presenters Part 2

Jul 05, 2023 | John Petitto

In this case study, we will build a note-taking app that lets the user add, edit and delete notes. It uses Compose for both the view and presentation layers!

Note: This is a follow up to Part 1: Simplifying State Management with Compose and assumes the reader is already familiar with Jetpack Compose.

The Template

I find it useful to start with the model that represents the state of the screen we’re building. It will have a list of notes, with each note containing properties for the text and checkbox:

data class NotesUiModel(val notes: List<Note>) : UiModel {
  data class Note(val text: String, val isChecked: Boolean) : UiModel

It’ll be the job of the presenter to produce this model. Initially, let’s implement a stub to return an empty list of notes (we’ll ignore parameters for now):

class NotesListPresenter : Presenter<NotesUiModel, Unit> {

  override fun present(params: Unit): NotesUiModel {
    return NotesUiModel(notes = emptyList())

Then we can build our view to render the model that’s returned by the presenter:

fun NotesScreen() {
  val presenter: NotesListPresenter = koinInject() // we use koin for DI
  val uiModel = presenter.present(Unit)

  Column {
    TopAppBar(title = { Text("Notes") })

The View

The views themselves are pretty self-explanatory if you’re already familiar with building UIs in Compose. For the notes, we’ll take in a NotesUiModel argument and create a LazyColumn with the notes property. A FAB button is used for adding new notes, although we’ll skip the triggering of events and return to this part in a little bit:

private fun Notes(uiModel: NotesUiModel) {
  Box {
    LazyColumn {
      items(uiModel.notes) { note ->

    FloatingActionButton(onClick = { /* TODO */ }) {
      Icon(imageVector = Icons.Rounded.Add)

Then we can render each note with a checkbox, text field and delete button:

private fun Note(uiModel: Note) {
  Row {
      checked = uiModel.isChecked,
      onCheckedChange = { /* TODO */ }

      value = uiModel.text,
      textStyle = TextStyle(
        textDecoration = if (uiModel.isChecked) {
        } else {
      placeholder = { Text("Add note") },
      onValueChange = { /* TODO */ }

    IconButton(onClick = { /* TODO */ }) {
      Icon(imageVector = Icons.Default.Delete)

The state of the Note is used to determine whether the Checkbox is checked or not and also for the current value of the TextField. Again, we’ll implement the events later on.

The Presenter

Returning to the presenter, we’ll need to obtain the data for the notes. Using Clean Architecture, the presenter will interact with the data layer via use cases. We can inject an ObserveNotesUseCase into NotesListPresenter and then invoke it with the aid of produceState:

class NotesListPresenter(
  val observeNotesUseCase: ObserveNotesUseCase
) : Presenter<NotesUiModel, Unit> {

  override fun present(params: Unit): NotesUiModel {
    val notes: List<NoteDataModel> by produceState(initialValue = emptyList()) {
      observeNotesUseCase().collect {
        value = it

    // ...

ObserveNotesUseCase returns a Flow<List<NoteDataModel>>. In order to collect the flow, we need a CoroutineScope, which produceState provides us. In addition, the code block passed to produceState will only execute once. This prevents us from recollecting the flow every time present() recomposes.

To help cut down the noise of the produceState call, we can encapsulate it with an extension function:

fun <T> FlowUseCase<T>.launchUseCase(initial: T): State<T> {
  return produceState(initialValue = initial) {
    invoke().collect {
      value = it

Which let’s us write the much briefer:

val notes by observeNotesUseCase.launchUseCase(initial = emptyList())

Now that we have the data, we can use it to derive the model:

return NotesUiModel(
  notes = { note ->
    var text by remember( { mutableStateOf(note.text) }
    var isChecked by remember( { mutableStateOf(note.isFinished) }

    Note(text, isChecked)

We map over each note in the list, transforming the NoteDataModel into a NotesUiModel.Note. We create two MutableState variables for text and isChecked, each initialized to their respective values from the data.

Note: If we omitted as a key to remember, Compose would associate each state with its position in the list, rather than a specific NoteDataModel. Deleting notes in the list, which we’ll implement shortly, would cause the states to be out of sync with the list.

The Events

We still need to add events, that way the view can communicate to the presenter. We want to support the following operations:

  • Adding a new note
  • Updating the checkbox of a note
  • Updating the text of a note
  • Deleting a note

The first operation, adding a new note, will be fired off as an event by the FAB button. We can simply add an EventHandler to NotesUiModel to support this:

data class NotesUiModel(
  val notes: List<Note>,
  val events: EventHandler<Event>
) : UiModel {
  sealed interface Event : UiEvent {
    object OnAdd : Event

  // ...

In the view, the FAB button can now invoke the EventHandler of the model and pass it Event.OnAdd:

FloatingActionButton(onClick = { }) {
  Icon(imageVector = Icons.Rounded.Add)

We need to handle this event on the presenter side, which we’ll accomplish with the aid of CreateNoteUseCase:

class NotesListPresenter(
  // ...
  val createNoteUseCase: CreateNoteUseCase
) : Presenter<NotesUiModel, Params> {

  override fun present(params: Unit): NotesUiModel {
    // ...

This particular use case runs as a suspend function and must be invoked from a CoroutineScope, which we can access inside of a Composable function with rememberCoroutineScope():

override fun present(params: Unit): NotesUiModel {
  val scope = rememberCorotuineScope()

  // ...

Then we can handle the event in the model that gets returned:

return NotesUiModel(
  notes = { note ->
    // ...
  events = EventHandler { event ->
    when (event) {
      is Event.OnAdd -> scope.launch {

When CreateNoteUseCase is invoked, it updates a data cache that will trigger a new emission on the flow returned by ObserveNotesUseCase. This emission will cause the present() function to recompose and return an updated model that contains the newly created note.

The other three operations are tied to a specific note in the list, therefore we want to add a separate EventHandler to the Note model:

data class Note(
  val text: String,
  val isChecked: Boolean,
  val events: EventHandler<Event>
) : UiModel {
  sealed interface Event : UiEvent {
    object OnCheck : Event
    data class OnUpdateText(val text: String) : Event
    object OnDelete : Event

As before, we’ll inject the necessary use cases:

class NotesListPresenter(
  // ...
  val updateNoteUseCase: UpdateNoteUseCase,
  val deleteNoteUseCase: DeleteNoteUseCase
) : Presenter<NotesUiModel, Unit> {

  override fun present(params: Unit): NotesUiModel {
    // ...

Then handle the events when creating each Note:

return NotesUiModel(
  notes = { note ->
    var text by remember( { mutableStateOf(note.text) }
    var isChecked by remember( { mutableStateOf(note.isFinished) }

      text = text,
      isChecked = isChecked,
      events = EventHandler { event ->
        when (event) {
          Note.Event.OnCheck -> {
            isChecked = isChecked.not()
            scope.launch {
              updateNoteUseCase(NoteDataModel(, text, isChecked))
          is Note.Event.OnUpdateText -> {
            text = event.text
            scope.launch {
              updateNoteUseCase(NoteDataModel(, text, isChecked))
          Note.Event.OnDelete -> scope.launch {
  // ...

In the case of Note.Event.OnCheck and Note.Event.OnUpdateText, we are updating the local state before invoking UpdateNoteUseCase. This ensures that the UI stays responsive when the user rapidly enters text or clicks on a checkbox. If UpdateNoteUseCase instead triggered a new emission via ObserveNotesUseCase, the user might see buggy behavior since the flow may not keep up with the speed of the user’s inputs. On the other hand, deleting a note is a one time operation and we can simply wait for DeleteNoteUseCase to send a new emission.

Finally, let’s fire off each event from the view:

private fun Note(uiModel: Note) {
  Row {
      checked = uiModel.isChecked,
      onCheckedChange = { }

      value = uiModel.text,
      textStyle = TextStyle(
        textDecoration = if (uiModel.isChecked) {
        } else {
      placeholder = { Text("Add note") },
      onValueChange = { }

    IconButton(onClick = { }) {
      Icon(imageVector = Icons.Default.Delete)

The Child

One of the nice things about Composable functions is that they can easily be broken down into smaller ones. This concept is no different with presenters: we can take a larger presenter and break it down into one or more smaller presenters. This is especially useful when writing code that needs to be reused across screens.

In the case of NotesListPresenter, we can seamlessly extract the management of each note into its own presenter. This aligns nicely with the model too, since Note is already nested inside of NotesUiModel:

data class NotesUiModel(
  val notes: List<Note>,
  val events: EventHandler<Event>
) : NotesUiModel {

  data class Note(
    val text: String,
    val isChecked: Boolean,
    val events: EventHandler<Event>
  ) : UiModel {
    // ...

  // ...

With this in mind, we’ll create a NoteItemPresenter that returns a NotesUiModel.Note and accepts a NoteDataModel as a parameter:

class NoteItemPresenter(
  val updateNoteUseCase: UpdateNoteUseCase,
  val deleteNoteUseCase: DeleteNoteUseCase
) : Presenter<Note, NoteItemPresenter.Params> {

  data class Params(val note: NoteDataModel)

  override fun present(params: Params): Note {
    val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()

    val note = params.note
    var text by remember( { mutableStateOf(note.text) }
    var isChecked by remember( { mutableStateOf(note.isFinished) }

    return Note(
      text = text,
      isChecked = isChecked,
      events = EventHandler { event ->
        when (event) {
          Note.Event.OnCheck -> {
            isChecked = isChecked.not()
            scope.launch {
              updateNoteUseCase(NoteDataModel(, text, isChecked))
          is Note.Event.OnUpdateText -> {
            text = event.text
            scope.launch {
              updateNoteUseCase(NoteDataModel(, text, isChecked))
          Note.Event.OnDelete -> scope.launch {

The presentation logic is identical to what we had before inside the map of NotesListPresenter, but now we can just call the present() function of NoteItemPresenter for each note in the list:

class NotesListPresenter(
  val noteItemPresenter: NoteItemPresenter,
  // ...
) : Presenter<NotesUiModel, Unit> {

  override fun present(params: Unit): NotesUiModel {
    // ...

    return NotesUiModel.Data(
      notes = { note ->
      events = EventHandler { event ->
        // ...

Since each Note is already broken out into its own Composable function in the view, we can easily reuse this view and its presenter on another screen.

The Test

Now that we have a fully working implementation, let’s write some tests for NotesListPresenter. We’ll add the following plugins to help us with testing:

buildscript {
  repositories {
  dependencies {
    classpath ''
    classpath 'com.jeppeman.mockposable:mockposable-gradle:0.4'

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'com.jeppeman.mockposable'

Since we’re testing Composable functions, we need a way to call them from the regular, non-Composable functions of our tests. Molecule bridges this gap by creating a flow that will emit the value returned by a Composable function each time it recomposes. We can then collect and assert on these values with the aid of Turbine, which comes packaged with Molecule.

Mockposable does what the name suggests: it allows us to mock the behavior of Composable functions. This is useful when we’re testing a presenter that calls another presenter, which is the case with NotesListPresenter calling NoteItemPresenter.

Note: These tests are also using mockk and kluent.

First, let’s write a test that verifies the notes are correctly loaded and we get back the model we’re expecting:

class NotesListPresenterTest {

  fun `load and return notes`() {

We’ll want to mock the behavior of ObserveNotesUseCase to return a flow that emits a list of notes:

fun `load and return notes`() {
  val observeNotesUseCase: ObserveNotesUseCase = mockk {
    every { invoke() } returns flowOf(
        NoteDataModel(id = 1, text = "Note 1", isFinished = false),
        NoteDataModel(id = 2, text = "Note 2", isFinished = true),
        NoteDataModel(id = 3, text = "Note 3", isFinished = false)

Then we’ll want to mock the behavior of NoteItemPresenter, which is responsible for transforming each NoteDataModel into a NotesUiModel.Note. As mentioned previously, we can use Mockposable to assist us with this:

fun `load and return notes`() {
  // ...

  val noteItemPresenter: NoteItemPresenter = mockk {
    everyComposable { present(any()) } answersComposable {
      val noteArg = (firstArg() as NoteItemPresenter.Params).note
      Note(noteArg.text, noteArg.isFinished, EventHandler {})

Here we’re taking the argument passed in, which is a NoteItemPresenter.Params, and forwarding the data of the note property into a NotesUiModel.Note.

Note: Since EventHandler is stateless and doesn’t effect equality, we can simply use an empty one as a placeholder in the test.

Now that we have the dependencies mocked, we can instantiate NotesListPresenter and invoke its present() function with the aid of molecule:

fun `load and return notes`() {
  // ...

  val notesListPresenter = NotesListPresenter(
    createNoteUseCase = mockk() // not used by this test

  moleculeFlow(RecompositionClock.Immediate) {

moleculeFlow() takes in a lambda that gives us a context for invoking the Composable present() function and returns us a flow that will emit a new NotesUiModel each time present() recomposes. RecompositionClock.Immediate allows us to control the execution of the Composable in a testable manner. To collect emissions, we call test() on the flow that is returned by molecule:

fun `load and return notes`() = runTest {
  // ...

  moleculeFlow(RecompositionClock.Immediate) {
  }.test {

The lambda passed to test() gives us access to a Turbine for the flow, which we’ll use to consume emissions and assert the behavior of the present() function.

Note: We surround the test with runTest() since test() is a suspend function.

Recall that when invoking ObserveNotesUseCase with launchUseCase(), we provide it an initial value of emptyList():

val notes by observeNotesUseCase.launchUseCase(initial = emptyList())

Therefore, we can expect the first model emitted to contain no notes:

moleculeFlow(RecompositionClock.Immediate) {
}.test {
  awaitItem() shouldBeEqualTo NotesUiModel(emptyList(), EventHandler {})

After this first emission, we can then expect the list of notes we used when stubbing:

moleculeFlow(RecompositionClock.Immediate) {
}.test {
  // ...

  awaitItem() shouldBeEqualTo NotesUiModel(
    notes = listOf(
      Note(text = "Note 1", isChecked = false, EventHandler {}),
      Note(text = "Note 2", isChecked = true, EventHandler {}),
      Note(text = "Note 3", isChecked = false, EventHandler {})
    events = EventHandler {}

For a second test, let’s verify the behavior for adding a new note:

fun `add a new note`() = runTest {
  val observeNotesUseCase: ObserveNotesUseCase = mockk {
    every { invoke() } returns emptyFlow()

  val createNoteUseCase: CreateNotUseCase = mockk(relaxedUnitFun = true)

  val notesListPresenter = NotesListPresenter(
    noteItemPresenter = mockk(), // not used by this test

  moleculeFlow(RecompositionClock.Immediate) {
  }.test {
    coVerify { createNoteUseCase() }

Since we only need to verify that CreateNoteUseCase is invoked, we can simply consume the first emission and then send Event.OnAdd to its EventHandler.

A similar set of tests can be written for NoteItemPresenter and is left as an activity for the reader.

The Extras

Let’s assume that the loading of notes may take an indeterminate amount of time to load and in the meantime we want to show a loading indicator to the user. We can change NotesUiModel to a sealed interface and have it contain a Loading and Data type:

sealed interface NotesUiModel : UiModel {
  object Loading : NotesUiModel

  data class Data(
    val notes: List<Note>,
    val events: EventHandler<Event>
  ) : NotesUiModel {
    // ...

If we update the launchUseCase() extension function to support nullable types and use null as the initial state, we can check for this to determine if the data has loaded or not:

fun <T> FlowUseCase<T>.launchUseCase(initial: T? = null): State<T?> {
  return produceState<T?>(initialValue = initial, producer = {
    invoke().collect {
      value = it

override fun present(params: Unit): NotesUiModel {
  // ...

  val notesResult by observeNotesUseCase.launchUseCase()
  val notes = notesResult ?: return NotesUiModel.Loading

  // ...

You’ll notice that we have two variables now, notesResult and notes. The latter unwraps the delegate value and returns early if null. This allows us to reference notes without treating it as a nullable value, which we can’t do when referencing the delegate value directly.

Note: By convention, we add “Result” to the delegate variable name.

In the view, we can use a when expression to unwrap the model returned by the presenter and decide if we want to show the notes or a loading indicator:

fun NotesScreen() {
  val presenter: NotesListPresenter = koinInject()
  val uiModel = presenter.present(Unit)

  Column {
    TopAppBar(title = { Text("Notes") })

    when (uiModel) {
      is TodoUiModel.Data -> Notes(uiModel)
      TodoUiModel.Loading -> LoadingProgressIndicator()

To further enrich the user experience, let’s add an empty note when there are no existing notes to show:

override fun present(params: Unit): NotesUiModel {
  // ...

  // create an initial note if there are none
  LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
    if (notes.isEmpty()) {

  // ...

The LaunchedEffect is key’d with Unit to ensure that the check and the subsequent call to createNoteUseCase() only executes once inside of present(). This prevents us from needlessly adding a note after the user has deleted the last remaining one in the list.

Lastly, you’ll recall that we don’t emit changes to the flow of notes with UpdateNoteUseCase, as this causes bugs when the user rapidly enters input. We’ll want to ensure these emissions happen when the user leaves the screen though, otherwise the changes would be lost when returning to it from another screen. To do this, we’ll need to listen for Lifecycle events, which we can do with the following Composable function:

fun LifecycleEffect(onEvent: (Lifecycle.Event) -> Unit) {
  val lifecycleOwner = rememberUpdatedState(LocalLifecycleOwner.current)

  DisposableEffect(lifecycleOwner.value) {
    val lifecycle = lifecycleOwner.value.lifecycle
    val observer = LifecycleEventObserver { _, event ->

    onDispose {

Then we can call LifecycleEffect() from the view and listen for Lifecycle.Event.ON_PAUSE:

private fun Notes(uiModel: NotesUiModel.Data) {
  LifecycleEffect {
    if (it == Lifecycle.Event.ON_PAUSE) {

  // ...

Note: We choose to do this in the view and then communicate it to the presenter via an event, as it makes testing the presenter easier.

To handle the event in the presenter, we can’t rely on rememberCoroutineScope() like we’ve done with the other events. Since we’re performing the save operation as the view is being paused (and possibly destroyed), we need to ensure the operation has time to complete. For this type of scenario we’ll introduce an AppScope class that will exist for the lifetime of the app:

class AppScope(
  dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Main
) : CoroutineScope, DefaultLifecycleObserver {

  override val coroutineContext = SupervisorJob() + dispatcher

  init {
    this.launch(dispatcher) {

  override fun onDestroy(owner: LifecycleOwner) {

Note: This scope is preferable to using GlobalScope. For more details on why, refer to this article.

We can then inject AppScope into NotesListPresenter, along with SaveNotesUseCase, and properly handle Event.OnSave:

class NotesListPresenter(
  // ...
  val appScope: AppScope,
  val saveNotesUseCase: SaveNotesUseCase
) : Presenter<NotesUiModel, Unit> {

  override fun present(params: Params): NotesUiModel {
    // ...

    return NotesUiModel.Data(
      notes = { note ->
        // ...
      events = EventHandler { event ->
        when (event) {
          Event.OnAdd -> // ...
          Event.OnSave -> appScope.launch {

For testing, we can inject Dispatchers.Unconfined into AppScope, which ensures the code executes in a blocking manner.

The End

This completes the case study of the Notes app. This should give you a realistic and thorough example of using Compose to manage the presentation logic of an app. A full code sample is provided as a Gist.

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